2025 Winter / Spring Newsletter
Upcoming Events:
TOURNAMENT: We will be participating in the Invitational Kickoff Classic Tournament sponsored by New Jersey Martial Arts Academy. The event will be held at the Pure MMA Academy on Sunday, January 26th. You can register here: https://www.njmartialart.com/tournament Once Registered, let your instructor know so we can add you to the list.
BJJ Seminar with Mr. Steve Austin of Sion: Jiu-Jistu students (teens and adults) are invited to participate in a 2-hour seminar on Sunday, January 12th from 12-2pm. Cost is $60.
Congratulations to the following students who were accepted into our Staff Assistant / Leadership Team Program!! Houston Aubertin, Chris Bower, Alex Reyes, Jimmy Connelly. These students will be embarking on a journey of success as they learn skills above and beyond what regular students in the Academy could hope to achieve. Welcome to the Staff, gentlemen.
Bo-Jitsu Class
Students who are on the beginning curriculum of Bo are invited to participate in a one-hour class on Friday, January 24th at the Headquarters Dojo for training.
Our Annual Gasshuku / Martial Arts Training Camp will be held June 6,7,8 (with a one-day option on June 7th) this year. You can find all the information and registration process on this website under the “Weekend Training Camp” tab.