A couple times a year we offer a Day Camp, often during the summer and during the winter break.
Check back for upcoming Day Camps.

Holiday Day Camp!
Ages 6 and up
Week of December 26, 2022, 9am to 12n
Goal Setting
Only $179
Free T-Shirt & Uniform
Conducted by the East Montgomery Martial Arts Academy, LLC
Register online or via email with Mr. Exaros
Deadline to register: December 15, 2022

Here’s what one parent has to say about camp:
I just wanted to share with you how excited our children are for Karate Camp! It was five
summers ago that we attended our first camp, which was also our first exposure to the Dojo.
After a wonderful camp experience, karate quickly became our favorite extracurricular activity
throughout the year. And each summer, your karate camp became one of the things they would
always look forward to the most. In addition to building new skills, it is a wonderful way to build
friendships and have a lot of fun! Due to the intense experience, by the end of the week the
children feel a noticeable improvement in their skills as well as a strong sense of
accomplishment. It is a wonderful experience beyond what words can express. This particular
year, as proud new Brown Belts, my children are also looking forward to taking on leadership
roles and connecting with newer members of the dojo. As I reflect on my children’s growth over
the years – I can’t thank you enough!
– Orli Aronovitz